New Reviews |
- Tuonela
Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle
Earth *
Borknagar - The Archaic Course
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder *
Crematory - Act Seven
The Crown - Hell is Here
The Gathering - How To Measure A Planet?
Godgory - Resurrection
In The Woods... - Strange In Stereo
In Flames -
Memory Garden - Verdict Of Posterity
Morgion - Solinari
Primordial - A Journey's End
Scholomance - A Treatise on Love
Sinergy - Beware the Heavens
Sleep - Jerusalem
Solstice - New Dark Age *
Dan Swano - Moontower *
Remember that CDNow has a lot of the stuff that's been reviewed on this page, so be sure check out whatever sounds interesting.